Our Lady Undoer of Knots 9 Day Novena, Chaplet, Litany and Prayer

This year is a good one to try something new. And if you have never done this particular Novena it's a powerhouse. 
What 12 Step Catholic can say they haven't felt the knots of life? Being knotted up for me resembles anxiety, fear based thinking, looking to the future and living in the past. And living in the now is very elusive. 
Worrying even if I'm praying, doing my rosaries, Mass, etc. 
Ruminating on thoughts. Insomnia. Need I go on?

Our Lady Undoer of Knots Novena and Chaplet are very powerful . 
I recommend them. 
The Novena is nine days (of course you can do it longer, I do). The Chaplet you can do as long as you like. 

The Novena starts with 
-The sign of the Cross
-Act of Contrition 
-Preparation Prayer 
-That day Novena 
(Optional Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be if your doing the Chaplet after)
-Our Father
-Hail Mary
-Glory Be 
-Concluding Prayer