Celebrating a 12 Step Anniversary as a 12 Step Catholic!

So what does celebrating a 12 Step Catholic Anniversary look like? 
Well today I'm blessed, humbled and ever so beyond grateful to Celebrate 26 years in Recovery. 
Yes it's a wonderful thing to celebrate Our Recovery Anniversaries! 
And as a 12 Step Catholic what does that look like?
Well we celebrate the Saint of Our Day or Event celebrated in the Church.
We do the Rosary with extra emphasis on those still suffering who Carry the Cross of Addiction. 
We get cupcakes or a cake! 
We get a coin. We actually have coins we have designed. 
Here's last year's. I'm late on this year's design and will be doing one up this weekend lol. 
To celebrate we will be going to Our Lady of LaLeche National Shrine in St Augustine. We go to confession, Mass and do a Litany. Then browse the grounds, manga somewhere yummy and do a quick lookie in Marshalls go home chill and do our Weekly Sat night Adoration Chapel Time w Jesus, 8-10pm. We call it our weekly date. We have a locale Church that has a Perpetual Adoration Chapel and we are blessed and humbled to be Adorers. 
That's a perfect day for Celebrating a 12 Step Catholic Anniversary! 
