Catholic Recovery Ministries Weekly Musings

How do we deal with people, places and things and or situations that are intolerable and toxic as 12 Step Catholics??

My family members suffer from the effects of my disease. Loving and accepting them as they are just as I love and accept 12 Step Catholics—fosters a return of love, tolerance and harmony to my life. Using common courtesy and respecting others' personal boundaries are necessary practices for all areas of my life.

But what about the intolerable people, places, things and or situations? 

12 Steps of CRM for the Solution. For the Win. 

How do I accept the totally unacceptable? 
I mean seriously.....How? 
That's how any change starts for me. 

Whose behind me? Whose helping me and carrying me at times? 
My posse!
The Blessed Holy Trinity, The Holy Familia, St Padre Pio, St Charbel, St Maximilian, St Micheal, and My Guardian Angel are doing the heavy lifting for me. They can. I can't. I'll let them! 

Step one. I can't do this alone. The Holy Trinity is leading me. My life is unraveling. 
Step 2. I know who can. The Holy Trinity. I'm not alone in this pain. 
Step 3. I believe. I know. The Holy Trinity can handle it. They are waiting to help me. 
The First three steps of Surrender. I am open minded and Honest. 

Step 4. 
I first and foremost admit my lack of forgiveness in this area. That's always the core issue for me in toxic situations. Then I review  the Mortal Sins list and Venial Sins list. Willing to look at myself. Honesty. 
Step 5. Go to confession willingly and honestly cleaning my side of the street. 
Step 6. With humbleness I ask God to remove my sins. I'm Ready to really give them up. Open minded. 
Step 7. I pray the act of Contrition with all my heart. My sins leave me. The focus is on my healing in Unity with the Holy Trinity. 
Step 8. I'm willing to make amends as laid out in our 12 Step Catholic Workbook. I also start the process of putting said situation in my daily prayers, Rosary intentions, Novenas, etc. 
Step 9. I will make direct amends if It's safe for me and said situation. If it's not, I make lifetime amends by positive change and growth. 
Step 10. I do daily Examen. look at where I'm at with my behavior. Aka where did I Not do God's will today? 
Step 11.
Starts with Adoration. Humbly go before God in silence while viewing his Son. And also Mass. Recovering Holy Communion in grace. 
Step 12. 
Continuing to include the situation in my life daily with Prayers, Rosaries, etc. As well as helping others who are suffering and don't negatively affect my recovery.
I can Carry The Message Not The Mess. 

This may mean I have to distant myself from said situation. I change, but the situation doesn't. 
Especially if it jeopardizes my peace, sanity. 
These are core in my healing process of 12 Step Catholic Recovery. 
I can become self obsessed and lose my connection to the Holy Trinity without sanity and peace. 
For this 12 Step Catholic it can lead to jails, institutions and death. 

And let's face it, strong boundaries are necessary at times. The difference is as a 12 Step Catholic I will continue to do daily pray, the Rosary, etc for the  situation. 
It's no longer on my shoulders, it's been given to The Holy Trinity. 
And I may (and have) seen a turn around in some toxic situations. Not my time, but the Holy Trinity's!
I can be at peace I'm doing all I can to heal myself, and help the situation. 


