Catholic Artisan FREE E-BOOK Releasing Souls in Purgatory Workbook (Step 12)

November is dedicated to the Holy Souls in Recovery. As 12 Step Catholics praying for The Holy Souls in Recovery is part of our 12 Step work. Some of the most powerful work we can do on Earth!
Before I start any Purgatory work I set these intentions: 
-For my familia, friends, loved ones, those who hurt us, those we hurt. 
-For the most forgotten and been there the longest in Purgatory. 
-For the people of the Cloth who served the Church in Purgatory. 
May the receive comfort and be released to heaven and Rest in Eternal Peace. 

For the Month of November this E-Book is FREE. 

Overview of the Workbook: 

The Holy Souls in purgatory are incapable of helping themselves, they need help from us! They depend on the works of mercy by the living and the mercy of Jesus and Mary to shorten their time in purgatory. Their souls are very dear to God's Heart. He is most generous to those who offer every good act, suffering, prayers, or Holy Mass for these souls. In gratitude they intercede for us. This Workbook is for anyone who wants to honor this task and commit to helping those in Purgatory get into Heaven!
