Update on New CRM Website

Well it's been a good 8 weeks or more of me trying to figure out doing a website via 2024. I mean I used to design websites for people through Tripod! Lol 
I'm showing my age!! 😁 

This new Website will include the link to our blog. So we will keep this going. 
I had issues with links, but Blessed Mother and Jesus and Joseph (The Holy Familia) totally made it seamless. Here I was struggling with this and feeling ADHD Overwhelmed, and it just totally smoothly made sense. 
Let me tell you, NOTHING to Do with CRM is every easy. It's layers and layers of steps and work. 
The devil likes to overwhelm, discourage and destroy. I cannot tell you how much he tries and tries to with CRM!!!!
This is the First thing you will see in our new website. If your doing it on your puter then you use the links below. 
If you look on your mobile phone this is what it will look like. 
It's not fancy. I'm not a Web designer, Web Developer. I'm a Graphic Artist. 
I tried my best. I prayed. We're just waiting on the web domain to be verified. Make take a few days. 
I pray this new website will help all 12 Step Catholics struggling with the Cross of Addiction. 
This project has been a great way to keep me humble! 😌 
God Bless Us All,
