Weekly 12 Step Catholic Musings
Lent is over! Wowza! Did you feel it too? I decided to dig in deep this Lent. It's my anniversary of the second year back to the Faith (on St Bernadette's Feast Day!), aka Holy Saturday.
I really tried to let go of some hard stuff. I stopped watching Old Movies. I only allowed myself Catholic Prayers, Rosaries, etc or Documentaries, I watched alot of EWTN ❤️. Not easy when many days you can't get out of bed due to sickness.
I worked on spending less! Only what we needed on Amazon. I cut back on the extras I get like organic gf cookies, etc, organic chips, etc.
I stepped up my prayer life. Adding the 7 Sorrows Rosary. And stopped looking at entertainment news (my weakness), and did a very thorough and deep examination of conscious and confession.
I used our almost finished New 12 Step Catholic Workbook and did the prompts and prayers, etc.
I finished up the 33 day Louis De Montfort Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
I have to be honest. I felt pretty empty inside. And wasn't always graceful about it.
That bland, dry season we 12 Step Catholics can and do go through. St Mother Teresa spoke of it.
I tried to tackle my latest addiction sugar. But did have some fails. It's like the only thing that boosted my serotonin.
I did switch to non dairy cane sugar "ice cream". And didn't eat out for ice cream (dairy Queen I would do once a week).
The cutting way back on spending I felt too. Another addiction of course. But the back account liked it.
I know we must move in moderation as 12 Step Catholics or we can turn the apple cart over. Part of my spiritual malady is all or nothing, extremism.
And having severe ADHD being hyper focused on something like getting rid of all my addictions at once is dangerous for me! Hence the saying Easy does it, but do it.
One step at a time. One day at a time. One prayer at a time, one bead at a time.
We did the Stations of the Cross on the last two Fridays of Lent for Our 12 Step Catholic Friday night meeting. It was awesome!
Then of of course Easter Vigil was incredible, I actually cried. In Mass they cover the Cross and then when Jesus has risen, they drop the Gold Shimmer Fabric and The Cross is the Resurrected Jesus! Wow!
They do it every year but it hit me hard this year.
Then we are all blessed to celebrate Divine Mercy Week. That was also incredible this year. So great. Seriously!
My husband is reading the Diary of St Faustina! I'm so proud of him! That's a miracle since he felt like no way he would. We just don't know what's next do we? We just stay open, honest and willing.
The key.
I pray you and all 12 Step Catholics enjoy the fruits of the season and grow into the best version of you according to God! I pray that for all of us!
And never give in or up. We stumble, as Jesus Did three times with the Cross, but we get back up with the Blessed Mother and Jesus help.
PS. We are having for the Month of April a special meeting every Friday. We are doing the Consecration to the Holy Trinity Meeting. There is time to share after we go through it. A great way to get closer to The Holy Trinity our Base as 12 Step Catholics.
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