Advent begins......

Holiday Season is here. Advent, Hanukkah and Christmas. For our house we celebrate A lot! Lol. 
It's also a time for self reflection and as a 12 Step Catholic it's a time of looking back on my year in Recovery and looking forward to my next. What goals can I shoot for? 
-More time with the Lord? ---More time reading the Bible, St Francis of Assisi, and other great writings? 
-A new prayer schedule?
-Change up morning prayer layout? 
-More time to just be?
-Increase healthy self care? -Balance enjoyment with duty?
-How too reach out to more those in pain? (Any kind of pain). 

As a 12 Step Catholic my recovery may sound and look different then Trad recovery, but the end game is always always the same. Clean House, Help Others, Trust GOD.
I put GOD first, Recovery Second. Because without GOD there is no Recovery for this 12 Step Catholic. 

As Catholics the Liturgical Year has ended and it's our time to start looking at what we can do to enhance our Spiritual Walk with Jesus, Sancte Spiritus and God Almighty. 

Mostly how can I be of service to others? 

Lots of big questions and only Jesus has the answers. 
Step 11 is the key to unlocking this journey of ours as 12 Step Catholics. 


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