Sinead O'connor Tribute
It's been a bit since I could post anything about Sinead. I have followed her since the beginning. All her struggles I would pray for her. I totally understood her. I felt her loneliness, her confusion and anger towards the church. Her emotional pain was huge. I get it. Her Artistry was heavenly. Yes she did things against the Church. I'm not agreeing with her actions against the Church, but she was angry. There was truth in the cover up of the Church. The Vatican and the Church is full of Saints and Sinners. Truth. 93% of Catholics aren't doing the Catholic Life. I want to be the 7%.
I also left the Church and became a Buddhist Fellowship leader. I get her becoming attached to another religion, her becoming Muslim. But the truth is I always believed in the Jewish God and my Ashkenazi roots brought me back to Catholicism.
But without Recovery I wouldn't even get to share this. Thank you God for Recovery helped me deal with life on life's terms.
Back to Sinead,
I believe she's in Heaven with her son and loved ones. Rest in Everlasting Peace
And we pray for all those suffering in the gripe of Addiction and or Mental Health Illness.
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