Day 16 of 365 Days of Bible Verse Artwork. Step 11 Jam

Day 16 of 365 days of Bible Verse Artwork.
Work at living in peace with everyone, & work at living a Holy Life, for those who are not Holy will not see Adonai.
Hebrews 12:14.

What exactly is living a Holy Life?

1. "Do not be conformed to this world." -Romans 12:2

2."Flee the evil desires." -2 Timothy 2:22

3. "Be holy in all you do."-1 Peter 1:15

Wow! So it's about,  Obedience, Discipline and
Awareness. With Adonai at the center of it all. Not a easy peasy task for sure!

We have the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament, we have the New Commandments in the New Testament (Beatitudes).

But let's be honest, just trying to follow all those is a daily struggle for me.

That's why Step 11 is pivotal in my recovery.
My tools to try and stay close to Adonai is through daily prayers, Rosaries, Chaplets, Scriptures, Holy Readings  and reflection (meditation).

That helps me tune into to Adonai. And it really is my Daily Jam.
