Catholic Recovery Ministries of Basilica of St Paul in Daytona Beach
This is a brand new Ministry. One that was started by Mother Mary for our Church.
We are just vehicles for it and humble to be of service to our Parish, Universal Church and our Community.
A little back story about Shanti and Jeff.
We're by no means perfect, we're Alcoholics and Addicts with alot of AA under our belts lol.
Sadly, since the Panademic we have noticed that AA has become very secular. More so then ever.
We love AA and always will but felt a need to take AA back to it's roots. Which is Catholicism. We will have a whole Blogpost on that, lol.
We have just started up the Meetings and had a nice turnout of those needing Recovery and those in Recovery looking to meld AA and The Catholic Life as one.
Jeff is blessed to have 31 years in AA. Shanti has 23 years in AA. They don't profess to be old timers, experts or superior to anyone who walks into a meeting. They believe we are all just Sinners that are Saints in Training, and the Training wheels fall off at times.
Our meetings are rooted in old School AA with Catholicism to guide us. We do the prayers out of the Big Book, Read from the Big Book and Share like in a AA meeting. The difference is we also read the USCCB Daily Reading, and do a few minutes reflection on the Readings. After the meeting is finished we take a 5 min break and then do the Rosary together. With the Intention for all suffering from Mental Health Illness, Addiction and unhealthy Attachments that are Struggling.
Focusing on the Daytona Beach Area.
Why is it called a Ministry? Because Mother Mary lead us to see it was much bigger then just the Meeting we've designed, it's Fellowship, outreach and more.
We will be having a monthly potluck, adding a Friends and Families *similar to Alanon* group, Movie night, and more.
We will be focusing on the Sacraments also. The Sacrement of Confession, Adoration, Eucharist for healing, doing a fifth step with Father Ken, not a sponsor. Also how we can as Catholics live our Faith in Recovery.
This is just the beginning of something really really big that we pray will grow and Develop to help our Community and all suffering.
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